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  2. Getting Started
  3. Checkout, Payments, + Refunds

How do I purchase a course from Trust20?

Choose a course, select your state, and a language, then click on "Buy" to complete your purchase.

Checkout Process

You can read detailed descriptions about all our products by going trust20.co and then selecting a product from the dropdown menu. Each page will provide details about what the product you have selected. When you are ready to purchase, select the state you work in from the field on the right hand side of the screen.

Preview of the Food Handler Certificate Training product page

A message will pop up that describes your state’s requirements, and whether or not our course is compliant with the requirements of your state. It is always recommended to check with your manager and local health department before purchasing. Once you have made sure that our course will be approved by your state and place of work, select a language from the four options. You will then select "Add to Cart."

State selection in purchase flowState requirement description in purchase flowLanguage selection in purchase flow

You will be brought to the order summary screen. Fill in the information in the blank fields to create your Trust20 account (name, email address, and password). Select “Continue to Payment.”  

Order summary page for purchase flow

Payment Process

On the payment screen, you will need to fill in your card information. Select the small box after reading the Terms & Conditions, and then click “Purchase.” 

Checkout Process 5Confirmation Email

An email will be sent to your inbox welcoming you to Trust20 and notifying you about our partner app Go.Learn. It is important to know that if you are logging into your training from a mobile device, you will be prompted to download Go.Learn. It is recommended to use the app on a mobile device for the best experience while taking the course. 

Click “Access the Course” to begin!

Purchase confirmation email from Trust20

Accessing your course and course experience

After clicking “Access the Course” from the purchase confirmation email, you will be brought to the learner portal home page. Select your Food Handler course under “My Courses.”

Start course 01

Click “Start learning now” to begin the course.

Begin courseClick the "Play" button to begin the first module.

After each module you complete, you will be brought to this screen that shows what percent complete your course is. Each completed module will appear in green with a green check mark. Click on the next module to continue.

Course progress Docebo 05

Each module is split into different sections. When you complete each section, it will appear in green with a green check mark next to it. Click the “Play” button to begin each new section.

course screengrab

The course progress page will have all of the modules marked in green with a green check mark when they are complete and you are ready to take the final assessment. You will not be able to return to the modules once you start the final assessment. 

After completing all of the modules, select “Exit Course.” 

Take assessment 01

Click on you assessment on the left side panel, and then click “Start Learning Now.”

Take assessment 02

Click “Start” to begin the final assessment.

Take assessment 03

The assessment has a time limit of one hour and has 30 questions. In the case that you should fail an attempt, do not worry because you have two additional attempts to pass. Simply click the “Restart Assessment” button to try again when you are ready.  

Take assessment 05

Failing all three assessment attempts

If all three attempts are used, you will have to purchase a new course in order to retake the final assessment to earn your certificate. You will be navigated to this screen where you can click “Contact Support.”

Course experience 10

This will prompt you to send an email to our support team at help@trust20.co. Simply let us know that you have used all three attempts at the exam and you need to purchase a new course. For quicker processing time, it is helpful to include your name and email address that is registered to your account.

An example of what to email Trust20 Support for a new course.

After we receive your request, we will send an invoice to your email with the subject line “New invoice from Trust20.” Once you pay for a new course, someone will reset your course for you during business hours, and you'll be able to log in through the same account.

After completing the course

Once you complete the course and pass the assessment with a 75% score or higher, you will be able to either review the assessment questions and answers, review the course, or simply exit the course.

Course experience 11