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How do I reset my password?

Click “Forgot password?” on the login page. You can also update your password in your account settings.

Resetting your password from the login page

If you have forgotten your password and can’t log in, you will need to reset your password by going to the login page using this link: login.trust20.co and click “Forgot password?” 

Forgot password highlighted on login screen

You will be prompted to fill in your username which is the same as the email address that you used to register your account. Then click “Continue.”

Forgot password process on login

An email will be sent to you from support@trust20.co. Click the link in the email. 

Password change request email

You will need to enter your new password in both fields labeled “New password” and “Re-enter new password”. Click “Reset password” to save your changes. 

Enter new password screen