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  3. Certified Food Protection Manager Exam

How do I launch my CFPM exam?

Log in to your account on Meazure Learning when it is time for your exam session.

Launch CFPM Exam

After scheduling your CFPM exam, you will see a countdown next to the CFPM exam on the testing platform. The countdown will let you know when you are able to begin your session.

CFPM exam countdown

Once the countdown timer reaches “0,” you will see a “Launch Exam” button. Click on this button to begin connecting to your remote proctor. You will be redirected to the ProctorU platform and connected to a proctor within 15 minutes (the ProctorU chatbox will say “Waiting for technician” while you are waiting to be connected to a proctor).

Connecting to a proctor view

Once you are connected to a proctor, the proctor will walk you through a series of steps outlined in this video before you begin your CFPM exam.